A fundraising campaign by Capital Advances
At Capital Advances, we have a sole mission — Improving the lives of those around us, however possible. The work we do goes beyond the scope of our industry, which is why we are involved in several philanthropic pursuits and community outreach. We are not experts in social, economic, or political issues such as education, social work, child advocacy, etc., but we do know we want to be part of the effort to mitigate these societal concerns.
The associates at Capital Advances accomplish this feat by partnering with nonprofits and advocacy groups in the community who are the experts. We partake in funding their cause so they may continue to serve those in need.
One organization of note is Covenant House, a federation of homeless shelters for youth and young families internationally, with a house in the Fort Lauderdale, FL area. Covenant House, however, is much more than a shelter. They serve 53,000 young people annually; youth who are disconnected and alienated through their comprehensive programs, providing unique solutions for each youth’s needs.
By pledging a percentage of our annual profits and contributing to the Covenant House’s cause, we are able to be part of their Continuum of Care and serve our community. Help us make change by donating at the link below.

We are a Direct Funder. We fund the merchants no one else will. Don’t miss out, partner now!
iso@capitaladvances.com | 833-FUND-321 | Fax: 954-541-9468
2598 E Sunrise Blvd, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33304